Thursday, March 1, 2012

Two Classes in Orinda this Weekend!

Heartsent Orientation, from 10-12 noon. 
Come to learn more about the adoption process and Heartsent, and hear from 2 families, 1 international and 1 domestic, who have recently brought their children home. This is a fun and informative 2 hours!

Open Adoption, What's It All About? from 1-3 pm
This class will address many of your questions and concerns about domestic adoption, including dispelling myths, defining open adoption, the process of matching, and beginning to think about post-adoption contact with the birthmother. This class is being taught by Nina Anderson, LCSW. $50/couple, $40/single. Please RSVP

Please call  925-254-8883 to RSVP We'd love to hear from you!

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