Wednesday, March 14, 2012

From the Director:

We have finally heard some news from Taiwan, and will be posting soon about how the adoption process will be working there. Look on our website for more info! ( Meanwhile, I was recently asked when is the best time for a child to go back to see their birth country? I think it depends on the child, and if he/she is asking about it. A trip back can be filled with many things, depending on the age of the child and the readiness to hear and accept things about their adoption. You may have to take several trips, not just one, and plan to talk a lot with your child about what he/she wants to get out of going. They may not know, so you will have to ask in different ways, sit down with them and maybe just start talking about how it will be, what they might want to see, what they want to do there. Sometimes it is not about birth mothers at all, they just want to see this country they hear so much about! In that case, maybe taking a trip to your child's birth country can include sights and popular places that lots of people like to see when there. Other times, it is clear that your child wants to see where they came from and that means their orphanage, foster parents or home town. All can be built into your trip. Just make sure you talk enough before you go in order to understand what your child is ready for and what is wanted from the trip. And remember, they are not limited to just one trip back! Don't try to do it all in one trip. Make sure you enjoy yourselves as a family when you go, and leave more to do for next time!   Happy travels~   Val

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